
Open debate with students of the University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti”


Today, on June 13, 2014 Forum Transparency at the Public University of Prizren "Ukshin Hoti" held a debate with students on "Democratic Governance and Participation of Youth in Decision Making". In this debate addressed topics were related to democratic governance and youth participation in decision-making, youth involvement in public policy as well as government transparency and accountability. In the first part of the debate, representatives from Transparency Forum, Elmedina Baxhaku and Leotrim Gërmizaj, raised the issue of lack of transparency and participation of youth in decision making at the local level followed by a presentation on the experience of working with young people from Laura Lutfiu, representative NGO EC Ma Ndryshe. During the debate, the students addressed comments and questions about topics of discussion for the panelists, about the work of civil society organizations and the media in Prizren on the challenges of Transparency Forum, also they expressed their concern about the low level of youth in municipal public policy.More

Today, on March 14, 2014 Forum Transparency began the series of debates "Confrontation"


Today, on March 14, 2014 Forum Transparency began the series of debates "Confrontation". The first debate has been focused on education in the municipality of Prizren. Under the moderation of the journalist Mr.Qazim Thaci, Director of Education Mr.Nexhat Çoçaj has faced numerous questions from the representatives of Forum Transparency, Vetëvendosje and representatives of the Union Trade of Education in Prizren. More

Mayor of Prizren to reopen meetings of the executive body


The Mayor of Prizren Municipality in his third term of governance as well continues the practice of closed meetings with heads of directorates. Closure of meetings of the executive branch has been one of the most controversial actions, at the same time more detrimental to local democracy undertaken in the second term of the Mayor. Since rendering such a decision, never an articulated and convincing reasoning in justifying such closure has been given.More



Following the consultation process between civil society members and media representatives, which have lasted for several months, and in an effort to find approaches to increase institutional transparency, in March, a joint platform of action of civil society activists and media was set up in Prizren, symbolically titled “Transparency Forum”.More

Prizren’s executive branch passes dozens of decisions


Proceeding from the “Online Transparency of Prizren Municipality” project, EC Ma Ndryshe this week attended the meeting of the governing body of Prizren Municipality, a meeting held under the chairmanship of the Deputy Mayor Lulzim Kabashi, where a range of decisions were rendered.More


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