Activities and monitoring methodology
The project will be implemented by combination of both monitoring and advocacy activities.
Implementation period will encompass two years (March 2012 February 2014), whereas the first six-month phase of the project will cover the monitoring component and the launch of the municipality transparency web-site. According to the advancement of the first phase of the project, a second phase of the project shall commence (18 months), which on top the monitoring (that shall be performed incessantly) will also include advocacy and addressing of legal violations of Prizren Municipality to relevant institutions (MLGA, Prosecutors Office, etc.)
Monitoring activities during the first (semi-annual) phase of the project shall encompass:
Permanent oversight of municipal bodies, with a focus on the municipal executive
o Mayor of Municipality
o Municipal directorates (Urban Planning, Education and Health)
o Directorate of Administration and Public Service
o Internal Audit Unit
Launch of the projects web-site, where the monitoring findings will be posted unremittingly
Regular media press releases (weekly or biweekly), with the aggregated data from the monitoring findings
Semi-annual monitoring report that will provide an overview of municipal transparency based on the findings and results from the oversight of municipality
Press conference for unwrapping the report on the findings and the announcement of the second phase of the project
The spotlight of monitoring will be set on the municipal executive (the mayor and directorates), as well as on the municipal civil service. Monitoring shall be carried out through permanent monitors, who will be granted regular presence in municipal premises and unhindered access to official municipal documents.
Reporting of the monitoring findings will also utilize a permanent tool, a local government transparency website. Monitoring findings will be posted directly at the website of this project for coining access opportunities for all the stakeholders. Monitoring findings shall turn into operation footstep for the second phase of project activities: advocacy and addressing legal violations. The organization shall use legal powers to initiate procedures on addressing legal infringements of the municipality.