Prizren executive branch allocates scholarships for students of Public Universities


EC Ma Ndryshe, within the “Online Transparency of Prizren Municipality” project, during this week has partaken in the meeting of the mayor, Mr. Ramadan Muja, with municipal directors, in which a number of decisions have been rendered.

Prizren municipal government in its subsequent meeting has approved the announcement of the open call for student scholarships for the calendar year of 2013. Based on the approved request of the Directorate of Education and Science (hereinafter MDES) the eligible ones for obtaining the scholarship shall be only the students of public universities, excluding those studying abroad or in private universities. MDES, as per this year, has foreseen the allocation of only 80 scholarships in the amount of €40,000, whereas the amount of €10,000 is foreseen to be granted to the children of KLA war martyrs. The executive branch has also received the request for the appointment of the Committee for dealing with the preparation of the open call, amending the Regulation on scholarship beneficiaries, to review application submissions and the selection of candidates. The municipal executive has rendered the decision on travel expense exemption for pupils of several elementary schools and orphan pupils of Krusha e Vogël village, a project amounting €9,950, while some other requests have been also approved for interventions in the existing infrastructure of several schools in Prizren municipality.  Read the Press Release.