Notice on the meeting of the Mayor with the municipal directors


EC Ma Ndryshe, within the “Online Transparency of Prizren Municipality” project, has partaken in the following meeting of the mayor, Mr. Ramadan Muja, with municipal directors, in which a number of decisions were rendered.

Municipal government of Prizren, at the request of the Directorate of Inspections, has rendered a decision to allow the announcement of a tender for selection of an economic operator who will execute decisions on demolition of structures built without a permit in the municipality of Prizren. Implementation includes a one-year period, namely for the year 2013, for which the Directorate of Inspections has estimated the amount of €50,000 for execution of the demolition works of structures built without a permit. Expected outcomes from execution of this decision, according to the proposal of the Directorate of Inspections, envisage: adherence to the urban planning, realization of constructions according to the standards set out and the increase of municipal budget.

Municipal government has also approved the proposals of the Directorate of Public Services for the announcement of the tenders for construction of local roads in Bregdri, Kojush, Krajk, Vërmicë and Romajë villages (pre-calculation €260,000); construction of a local road and sewer system in Randobravë village (€50,000); construction of a local road in Petrovë village (€60,000), as well as construction of Piranë-Reti, Dedaj-Rugovë and Krushë e Vogël-Piranë roads. It is also foreseen regulation of sidewalks in Arbana and the expanding and construction of the main road to Poslisht village and construction of sewer systems in Mazrek (€30,000) and Dobrusht villages (€40,000). Read the Press Release.