Draft-decision for Municipal Inspections foresees monetary penalties


EC Ma Ndryshe, within the “Online Transparency of Prizren Municipality” project has partaken in the following meeting of the mayor, Mr. Ramadan Muja, with the municipal directors, in which a number of decisions were rendered.

Prizren municipal government has approved the proposal of the Directorate of Inspections related to the draft-decision for Municipal Inspections. Within the draft-decision for Municipal Inspections of Prizren Municipality punitive measures were set out. Provisions of this draft-decision foresees the penalties in the amount from 500 to 2,500 EUR against a legal person committing minor offenses, in cases as: when failing to comply to the record or the decision of the municipal inspector; when preventing the inspector in discharging of his/her duty or when refusing to provide the inspector with information which he/she requires; with a fine in the amount from 100 to 250 EUR will be punished a responsible person if he/she fails to notify the municipal inspector on the execution of the measures ordered, and so forth. This draft-decision has been forwarded to the Policy and Finance Committee (PFC) and the Municipal Assembly for further approval. Read the Press Release.