Mamuşa/Mamusha’s executive branch agrees to purchase an ultrasound device


EC Ma Ndryshe, within the “Online Transparency of Mamuşa/Mamushë Municipality” project, has partaken in the meeting of the Mayor, Mr. Arif Bütüç, with municipal directors, in which a number of decisions were rendered. As these decisions are related to the public interest, EC Ma Ndryshe, for the purpose of increasing the local executive’s transparency, shall henceforth publicize decisions taken by the municipal government of Mamuşa/Mamushë.

In its last meeting the executive branch of Mamuşa/Mamushë Municipality has approved the proposal of the Directorate of Health for purchasing an ultrasound device (ultrasonography) which will be at aid for the patients of this municipality at the Primary Healthcare. Local government has also adopted the decision regarding the enrolment on the pay-list of two doctors in Primary Health Care, an internal medicine physician and a paediatrician, who are already practicing within the Family Medicine Centre.

Municipal government has also passed the proposal of the Directorate of Public Services for the repair of public (street) lighting in town as well as the directorate’s proposal for cleaning up the town’s park. Read the Press Release.