Municipality of Mamusa/Mamushë builds two sports fields with EU funds


Within the “Online Transparency of Mamusa/Mamushë Municipality” project EC Ma Ndryshe has partaken in the meeting of the Mayor, Mr. Arif Bütüç, with municipal directors, in which a number of decisions were rendered. As these decisions are related to the public interest, EC Ma Ndryshe, for the purpose of increasing the local executive’s transparency, shall henceforth publicize decisions rendered by the municipal government of Mamusa/Mamushë.

The executive of Mamusa/Mamushë Municipality over the past few weeks has approved a list of decisions based on requests of the relevant directorates of the Municipality of Mamusa/Mamushë.
So, at the request of the Directorate of Education and pursuant to the Agreement on Implementation of the project for the beneficiaries of the EU Communities Stabilisation Programme II (EU-CSP II) dated 26.04.2013, the Mayor has issued a decision on the transfer of funds in the amount of 3,700 EUR from the total amount of 12,178 EUR for the “Construction of a sports field of ‘Ataturk’ Secondary School” project in Mamusa/Mamushë, and the allowance of 5,300 EUR from the total of 24,835.75 EUR for the project “Construction of a sports field of ‘Haxhi Ymer Lutfiu’ elementary school”.

Local government has given a green light to the request the Directorate of Public Services on the payment of the Service Contract for two cleaning workers for maintenance of roads in Mamusa/Mamushë.
In addition, local executive has decided for the appointment of a contract manager for the project titled “Supply with the hygienic material”, with the Procurement number 626/13/003/136.

The request of the Directorate of Public Services has also been passed on the appointment of the supervisory body, which will monitor and oversee the project “Supply with small garbage bins” funded by USAID-DEMI.