The municipality renders a decision for the recruitment of 20 fixed-term employees


Proceeding from the “Online Transparency of Prizren Municipality” project, EC Ma Ndryshe has partaken at the meeting of the Mayor, Mr. Ramadan Muja, with the municipal directors, in which a number of decisions were rendered.

At the request of the Department of Administration the local executive has rendered the decision for allowing the recruitment of twenty fixed-term clerks/employees for performing specific duties in Prizren Municipality upon the request of several directorates due to the lack of human resources for performing duties and responsibilities at work. The decision has been taken given the summer season and the influx of the citizens, for which local government has justified that this initiative would enable service delivery without delay, but also for the fulfilment of legal obligations for the approval of annual leaves to permanent employees. The monthly gross salary for seasonal employees amounts to 150 EUR.

Upon the request of the Jewish Community of Kosova to the Department of Property and Legal Affairs of the Directorate of Administration, the board has taken the decision for leasing two offices for the needs of this Association, in the premises of former ‘Mbrojtja Popullore’ building (National Defence). Read the Press Release.