Local government builds road infrastructure with shared funding


Proceeding from the “Online Transparency of Prizren Municipality” project, EC Ma Ndryshe has partaken in the meeting of the Mayor, Mr. Ramadan Muja, with the municipal directors, in which a number of decisions were rendered.

Municipal government of Prizren, at the request of the Directorate of Public Services, has rendered a decision on the allowing the announcement of tenders for construction of roads/streets with concrete elements and construction of the sewage system with the system of shared funding for creation of better infrastructure for work and life for the residents of some city neighbourhoods and villages of the municipality.

Local executive has allowed the funds for the construction of canalization for “Raguza”, “Hajdar Shala” and “Skender Latifi” streets in Prizren; construction of the road of Gutaj neighbourhood in Nashec village; construction of the local road in Jablanice/Jabllanicë village; construction of “Salajdin Berisha 3,4”, “Beamir Memaj”, “Emin Abazi-1” and “Elbasani-1” streets; construction of the street in Badallaj neighbourhood of Prizren and local roads in Gjonaj and Kushnin villages of Has district. Read the Press Release.