Municipality allocates 10,000 EUR for “Nine Eleven” Film Festival


Proceeding from the “Online Transparency of Prizren Municipality” project, EC Ma Ndryshe has partaken at the following meeting of the Mayor of Municipality, Mr. Ramadan Muja, with the municipal directors, in which a number of decisions were rendered.

At the request of the Department of Culture, Youth and Sport local executive has rendered a decision for supporting of traditional film festival “9/11 – Nine Eleven Dedication Festival” with EUR 10,000, a festival which has so far been held in Pristina. The decision was not unanimous since certain officials of the municipal government voted against. The decision was also followed with discussions whereby it was requested to confirm support for “Dokufest” Film Festival that is traditionally held in Prizren. Although the allocation of funds for “Dokufest” Film Festival was not scheduled in the agenda of this meeting, this point has been reviewed thereby Prizren’s local government has decided to support “Dokufest” with 15,000 EUR. In addition, the Mayor emphasized that, apart of 15,000 EUR, municipality will also provide logistical support to “Dokufest” by offering transportation services, sound, equipment, etc.
At this meeting another proposal of the DCYS has also been passed for the organization of the swimming course by the Association for Culture, Youth and Sports “Arena”, financial support amounting 4,000 EUR. Read the Press Release