Local executive supports the event “Dita e Rinisë 2013” (Youth Day 2013)


Proceeding from the “Online Transparency of Prizren Municipality” project, EC Ma Ndryshe has partaken in the meeting of the Mayor, Mr. Ramadan Muja, with municipal directors, in which a number of decisions were rendered.

Municipal government of Prizren has approved the proposal of DCYS for financial support for organizing the event “Dita e Rinisë 2013” (Youth Day 2013), which this year marks its twelfth anniversary as a comprehensive event in the Youth Sector, organised by the Directorate for Culture, Youth and Sport in cooperation with MCYS.

Bearers of this project will be: Local Youth Action Council, Youth Centre, Council of secondary school students and youth NGOs. Activities will include: Inauguration of youth facilities, a conference, sports tournaments, an exhibition, information campaign on the work of youth stakeholders, action for voluntary blood donation and, in conclusion, a concert at Shadërvan Square. Entire initiative will be supported and covered by the municipality in the amount of 2,500 EUR. Read the press release.