Gift for the Municipality Spokesman


EC Ma Ndryshe made gift today to the spokesperson of the municipality of Prizren Mr.Ymer Berisha, a copy of the publication printed in color "Guide to Municipal Transparency". Although gift is dedicated to all municipal officials, it was handed over to the municipality spokesperson since the position carries essential municipal transparency. Although the transparent decision making is a legal and democratic obligation for institution of the municipality, EC Ma Ndryshe has taken the effort to draft this document that lacks in municipality and submit it to the Office of Information as a gift and demand for municipal to improve the transparency. EC Ma Ndryshe has produced this document to present legal obligations and duties of local government transparency and accountability. Additionally, through this document is intended to provide an overview of the situation in the municipality, in terms of implementation of the obligations and liabilities of the municipalities in the area of transparency and accountability. The guide can be downloaded at the link: