
A year of monitoring for greater transparency07.10.2013The report titled “A year monitoring for more transparency” sums up a one-year performance of the NGO “EC Ma Ndryshe” in monitoring the transparency of the Municipality of Prizren and a several months of performance in monitoring the transparency of the Municipality of Mamuşa/Mamushë. This paper has been produced within the “Online Transparency of Prizren and Mamuşa Municipalities” and introduces the findings related to different departments of local governments, with a special emphasis on transparency and endeavours for upgrading of this significant area of local governance as a precondition for a stable democracy.Download
Natural and urban degradation03.05.2013This paper titled “Natural and Urban Degradation” summarizes four-monthly work on monitoring local executive’s activities (December 2012, and January, February and March 2013) within “Online Transparency of Prizren Municipality” project. Although it includes developments in different departments of Prizren’s municipal government, a particular focus in this analysis was given to the current state of urban affairs in Prevallë/Prevala, providing a retrospective overview of uncontrolled constructions in the city and within the Historic Centre.Download
Adherence to the law in local governance13.12.2012This report summarizes the quarterly performance of monitoring (September, October and November 2012) within the project “Online Transparency of the Prizren Municipality”. Monitoring findings during this period prove that deficient transparency in decision-making has led the municipal leaders to render on several occasions decisions which do not square with the interests of citizens or residents of certain neighbourhoods, which in extreme cases had no legal basis either, being in contradiction with the laws in force or the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. Yet, adherence to the law is the main requirement for good governance.Download
Good governance is not just a phrase10.09.2012This report summarizes six month monitoring performance within the “Online Transparency of Prizren Municipality”. Monitoring findings during this period bear strong evidence that good governance is not just a phrase, but a persistent operation towards democracy and good quality of life for citizens. Good governance, as much present in the statements of officials, less present in their actions.Download
Transparency of Local Governance in Prizren 10.09.2012Local governance in Prizren suffers from scores of structural pitfalls. Transparency, as a fundamental principle of good governance, certainly ranks on the top of this list. Recently, the importance of coining transparency in local level, as a tool for addressing some of the greatest challenges for sustainable development and democracy, is being increasingly comprehended. This brief analysis assesses the transparency in Prizren Municipality through following sections: Regulation on transparency, access to public documents, municipal official webpage, mayor’s meetings with the directors, oversight of the Mayor’s work and citizens’ participation in decision-making.Download