
- Regular monitoring of the executive branch of the municipality of Prizren (Mayor, education, health, spatial planning, culture, youth),

- Biweekly press releases on the monitoring findings,

- Addressing the malpractices of local government, identified during monitoring, to the Ministry of Local Government Administration or to the judicial institutions (prosecution) depending on the subject of finding,

- Throughout the project provide direct support to the local community groups such as youth, culture, women and business, in addressing their needs through participation in local decision-making,

- Until March 2013, publish two reports on general trends of the transparency of local government,

- In September 2013, first project conference to launch the findings of one-year monitoring,

- Publication of the one-year monitoring report, encompassing the details, findings, outcomes and recommendations of the first year of transparency monitoring,

- Developing and launching the transparency web-site,

- Regular update of the transparency web-site with the monitoring findings